Gardening 101: Nutrients in Fertilizers

Gardening 101: Nutrients in Fertilizers

As gardeners, we sometimes use products that enhance the growth of our plants and produce with knowledge of the end product and not so much the ingredients.

No, this is not about to be a biology, chemistry or botany lecture.

However, we find it important to water and fertilize your mind with a bit of the nitty gritty associated with the nutrients in fertilizers and soil that you feed your plants.

In order for your plants and produce to do well and grow healthily, you need to feed and fortify them. Our job here is simply to teach you a little about that.

We identified a few nutrients found in fertilizers and specialized soil to help your flora and foliage to grow.


The calcium in fertilizers and specialized soil is beneficial, in that, it helps plants to fight diseases. Calcium reduces soil acidity and enables the plant to better absorb nutrients. It also promotes the growth of young roots. Calcium is considered a secondary nutrient as plants often need a small amount of it to survive.


Considered a macro nutrient, phosphorus is one of a few major components of fertilizers. This nutrient is also a major contributor to the photosynthesis process which allows for the development of plants and their fruits.


Essential to the development of the dark-green colour of plants, this secondary nutrient is just as important as phosphorus in the photosynthesis process.


Another major building block of fertilizers is Nitrogen. This nutrient is essential in the formation of vital proteins in plant life.


A macro nutrient in fertilizers, Potassium helps plants to withstand extremely stressful weather.


Considered a micro nutrient, Zinc is needed only in trace amounts for the optimal development of plant life. The work of Zinc is such that it provides support for plant development and growth. It tends to work hand in hand with Boron, Chlorine, Copper, Iron, Manganese and a few others.

Not sure what to do with this information? The next time you purchase fertilizer for your plants, look at its ingredients and see if that particular fertilizer will be beneficial to the types of plants that you have.

Which nutrient do you prefer?

Is there a brand of fertilizer that you prefer?

What did we miss?

Let us know in the comments below!

Author: Candice Stewart

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